The Oceanographer – WoW Achievement

Welcome fellow anglers. The Oceanographer was an achievement that was introduced with Cataclysm, the objective of this achievement is to catch 31 different species of saltwater fish. This is a fairly easy achievement to accomplish it just takes some time.

Some of the fish are seasonal, some of the fish can only be caught at certain times of the day, and some of the fish are just plain hard to catch. Below is a list of all the fish needed aswell as where each fish is located. If there is any special information pertaining to that particular species of fish it is also noted below aswell.

Because some of the fish are seasonal, it could possibly take some people upwards of a year to complete this achievement depending on when they start catching fish.

Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor:

Algaefin Rockfish – Twilight Highlands
Big-Mouth Clam – Swamp of Sorrows – The best time to catch this fish is between Midnight and 6:00 am.
Darkclaw Lobster – Swamp of Sorrows
Darkshore Grouper – Darkshore
Deepsea Sagefish – Uldum
Fathom Eel – Vashj’ir
Firefin Snapper – Wetlands
Giant Sunfish – Isle of Quel’Danas
Glossy Mightfish – Eastern Plaguelands – The best time to catch this fish is between Midnight and 6:00 am.
Jaggal Clam – Isle of Quel’Danas
Large Raw Mightfish – Swamp of Sorrows – The best time to catch this fish is between Midnight and 6:00 am.
Murglesnout – Vashj’ir
Oily Blackmouth – Wetlands
Raw Rainbow Fin Albacore – Wetlands
Raw Redgill – Eastern Plaguelands
Raw Rockscale Cod – The Hinterlands
Raw Slitherskin Mackerel – Tirisfal Glades
Stonescale Eel – Swamp of Sorrows – The best time to catch this fish is between Midnight and 6:00 am.
Raw Spotted Yellowtail – Eastern Plaguelands
Raw Summer Bass – Swamp of Sorrows – This is a seasonal fish and can only be caught from March 20th to September 22nd, best time to catch is between Noon and 6:00pm. Cannot be caught between Midnight and 6:00 am unless fished in the Blasted Lands or Swamp of Sorrows.
Raw Sunscale Salmon – Blasted Lands – The best time to catch this fish is between Noon and 6:00 pm. Cannot be caught between Midnight and 6:00 am.
Raw Whitescale Salmon – Blasted Lands
Winter Squid – Swamp of Sorrows –This is a seasonal fish and can only be caught from September 22nd to March 20th, best time to catch is between Midnight and 6:00 am. Cannot be caught between Noon and 6:00pm unless fished in the Blasted Lands or Swamp of Sorrows.

The Maelstrom:

Abyssal Clam – Kill the Zin’jatar Raiders at the starting area in Kelp’thar Forest.


Borean Man O’ War – Borean Tundra
Darkwater Clam – Borean Tundra
Deep Sea Monsterbelly – The Frozen Sea
Imperial Manta Ray – Borean Tundra
Moonglow Cuttlefish – The Frozen Sea
Pygmy SuckerfishHowling Fjord – This fish is usually caught while fishing pools for other fish. You most likely will not have to fish for this one. Another great place to catch these guys is in Sholazar Basin at the River’s Heart, located mid map.
Rockfin Grouper – The Frozen Sea

As I stated earlier this is one of the easier achievements to accomplish, it will take most people between 6 months to 1 year to fully complete. I personally completed the achievement working on a little bit here and there, however some people will want to fish all of these fish almost all at once.

A word of warning if you are taking this approach, don’t wait till the last day to try and catch the seasonal fish, you will want to give youself a couple of extra days just incase your droprate happens to be uberlow and you don’t end up fishing one. I’ve seen people have to wait 6 whole months just to fish one fish because they waited until the last minute.

Happy fishing everyone.