“DevHook 5.0 has been released and it now supports up to firmware 2.82! I have created a simple tutorial on how to get DevHook 5.0 running on your PSP.
The first thing you will want to do is download the Ultimate Installer 1.5.1 file. This is the DevHook files and the firmware files.
Now connect your PSP to your computer using the USB port and initiate the USB file transfer mode. I recommend making a backup of your memory stick first. I went as far as backing up my memory stick then formatting it to install DevHook 0.50 on a fresh stick. Follow the on-screen instructions. You will be prompted to choose which version to install. I chose the Full Install.
Accept the license agreement, then select whichever drive your PSP is. The files will now be copied to your PSP.
The files are now copied to your PSP, you can hit the circle button on your PSP and exit out of USB file transfer mode. Now head over to the GAME menu, and select the PSAR Dumper. This will load a program that decrypts everything that is needed. Once the dumper loads, press the X button.
Once everything is complete, fully turn off your PSP. Don’t just put it into power saver mode, turn it right off.
Now hook up the USB cable, turn your PSP on, and initiate USB file transfer mode again. Now access your PSP through My Computer on your computer and run the DevHook Setup.bat. After this whole process completes you may delete DevHook Setup.bat.
Turn off USB file transfer mode and go back into the GAME menu. Now you can Launch DevHook 0.50.
Once you are inside of DevHook 0.50 go to the “”FIRMWARE”” menu and select the 2.82 firmware. You can now start DevHook 0.50 and watch your PSP boot into the 2.82 firmware.”