Howto: Get the Venomhide Ravasaur Mount + Feat of Strength

The Venomhide Ravasaur is the Horde equivalent to the Wintersaber mount the the Alliance faction gets. The main difference is its ease to get the mount. It only takes 20 days of doing 1 of 6 very simple dailies. If you read here you will see how much work it takes to become Exalted with the Wintersaber Trainers to be able to purchase that mount. I think this is one of the more superior raptor mounts because it doesn’t have a little ball on its tusk.

The daily will provide you with a Venomhide Baby Tooth which you will need 20 of, aswell as 20 Runecloth, 20 Rugged Leather, and 80 Gold.

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The first thing you are going to want to do is fly over to Marshall’s Refuge in Un’Goro Crater. Once you are here, run to the south of the crater, and look for Mor’Vek. He is going to give you the quest [53] Toxic Tolerance, which you will complete by being infected by Venomhide Ravasaur blood. The trick to this quest is to not kill the mob before it infects you, I just used auto-attack and a cheap melee weapon that does no damage. Once this quest has been completed turn it in and move onto [53] Venomhide Eggs, which are picked up right off the ground in the same area where you completed the previous quest. Once you have your eggs, go turn them in, and complete the first day of your 20 day journey.

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This portion of the journey is broken into 4 different dailies:

[53 Daily] Gorishi Grub
In this quest you will have to collect 10 Silithid Meat and feed it to your Venomhide Hatchling. The mobs that drops the silithid meat is in Un’Goro Crater, right near the initial quest giver.

[53 Daily] Hungry, Hungry Hatchling
In this quest you will have to collect 15 Fresh Dinosaur Meat and feed it to your Venomhide Hatchling. The meat drops off the diemetradons, stegodons, and pterrordaxes in Un’Goro Crater, just south of Marshall’s Refuge.

[53 Daily] Poached, Scrambled, Or Raw?
In this quest you are going to have to collect 12 Silithid Eggs and feed them to your Venomhide Hatchling. These are in the eastern portion of Tanaris, and are orange eggs just laying on the ground. They are in the area with all of the bugs. You shouldn’t have to kill anything for this daily, just collect the eggs, and feed them to your Venomhide Hatchling.

[53 Daily] Searing Roc Feathers
In this daily, you will have to collect 5 Searing Roc Plumage. These mobs are also in Tanaris, right near where you collect the eggs. You won’t feed these to your Venomhide Hatchling, they are just a needed quest item.

After 20 days, go back to Mor’Vek turn everything in, and enjoy your new Venomhide Ravasaur Mount and Feat of Strength!

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